Who are we? We are America.

America's Form of Government - Representative Republic

#AmericaPolitics strives to emulate this superior form in spirit and action.  Therefore by convention; our channel creed and practice derives from the following.

Conservative American Politics is a political philosophy which is structured around the concepts of individual freedom, personal responsibility, balance of power (rule8) and minimal government. The channel is run as close as possible on IRC with the Principles of Conservatism as intended by American Founder's 'Representational Republic' (Rule of Law & Voting)

Channel policy is derived from council  as pictured _-------->

Channel Discussions - Rules

This is a Free Speech NON-Politically Correct Channel. We invite non-conservatives and internationals to debate with us and have fun.

The 7 rules are simple and the OPs are the most fair on IRC.

*** You will NOT be banned for political opinion by the OPs.***

  • Racism/Anti-Semitism/Sexism/Bigotry

    We have constant questions on why people make 'racist, etc.' comments in the channel and why that is not an instant ban. Free Speech ends where a Crime is Proposed. *Thought* is the very core of Liberty and *Thought* Control is the very core of Tyranny. By our very philosophy of looking at Individuals, not Groups, Conservatives cannot be any of the above. By their very philosophy, Liberals are Bigots ie: GroupThink. This channel will attempt to teach this concept and that of the core of freedom, *speech/thought* (read the book '1984' for those who cannot understand the essense of this principle. ie: *crimethink*)

    Topic Bar

    #Americapolitics likes to give every opportunity to speak out. To this end, we try to keep the Topic bar open for all. There is NO restriction on Topic content but if abused, OPs will set +T. Some guidelines about what composes good topic content:
  • 1) Do not use the Topic Bar for personal attacks on a nickname. Generally, never use a nickname if you can avoid it. If you must, try to be indirect as you can (AnonymousNICK)
  • 2) Try to avoid the seven deadly words (you know what they are, smartass). It’s just tacky To scream in the topic bar
  • 3) Try to be witty and share a smile.
  • 4) Try to be either 1) Humorous 2) Informative or 3) Topical       (that is, the current dominant topic thread).URLS are always a help 
  • 5) Brevity counts. All the best lines are just that. ONE line
  • 6) Try not to step on another's previous topic setting. There is no hard and fast here but a reasonable time allowance might be 5 mins. Be respectful of others.
  • 7) NO turf wars. Those who use the Topic Bar for personal vendettas will be beheaded in the public square. The @ cadre will easily spot these lamers and dispense quick justice. 5 topic bar excursions without pause will set to +T and a kick for the offender.

Americapolitics Policy Review

How do you get banned?

Here are some popular methods.

  • 1) Crime Promotion: You will be kicked for promoting a crime against an individual or America. You will be kicked for denigration of American Military Troops, currently Enlisted or Veterans. NO warning will be issued. While it is the very height of stupidity and 'victimhood' to choose to allow a word to be used as a 'weapon' against you, 2 words have been make 'kicks' in this channel, the 'n' word and the 'c' word at the popular request of the chatters (don't mis-spell country)
  • 2) Channel Disruption: You will be banned for constant abuse/exchanges that are disruptive to the natural flow of the channel. Take your private beefs private. You may or may not receive a private warning.
  • 3) Over The Top: While we have free speech here, Insults, jokes or discussion that includes EXTREME sex detail or toilet talk is considered 'over the top'. The OPs will consider context within current discussion. We all know it when we see it. You may or may not receive private warning..
  • 4) Floods: You will be kicked for Flooding. You *might* get ONE private warning if possible depending on 'context' and situation. Incidental flooding is different than channel flooding. Channel flooding will result in a ban.
  • 5) Constant All Caps (SHOUTING): You will be kicked if you post ONLY in all capital letters all the time. Occasionally is fine. Continuing to post in all caps will result in a ban. .
  • 6) @Badge Respect: You *might* be kicked/banned for insulting an OP while they are wearing the @ badge. That is the individual OPs choice. OPs will de-OP if they wish to get into a long debate with a chatter. 
  • 7) Government (OPs) Protection: The OPs are not here to protect you from being offended. If you need someone to take care of you, please go to a more repressive 'big government' Channel.
  • 8) Rule8 . Yes, the dreaded Rule8. See below.

RULE8 plebiscite voting

#americapolitics has developed a script driven method to apply immediate referendum which allows Member control of channel banning actions, by majority vote. It can be applied by any member in standing in accordance with channel login status.It is applied as follows.

If members want someone banned who has not broken channel rules, they may vote them out of the room. Each vote equals 1/5 of a ban. That is, any member must join with 4 other members to effect a 3 hour channel ban on any other member, excluding channel OPS .

This is a special rule for Chatters to control their own channel and it's content.

Rule8 says "You have the right to Free Speech but you have no right to FORCE us to listen" 


  • Rule Syntax is
  • "!rule8 nickname aye message " (the kick message is optional but applies to enhancements to come.
  • The Rule8 Script will respond.
  • There is a 'residency requirement of a couple of days before you will be eligible to vote. This is to prevent multiple bot attacks on the channel trying to rule8 out chatters.
  • Chatters vote 'Aye/Nay' by typing "!rule8 nickname aye" or "!rule8 nickname nay". 
  • (Minimum is 5 Ayes - A Nay cancels an Aye).
  • The Result is a ban of 3 hours.
  • Constant Rule8s may receive longer and longer Bans and could eventually result in a Permanent Ban

Rule8 Abuse -- You are guilty of Rule8 Abuse if you invoke !rule8 on a chatter who has just joined, not posted yet, not chatted for a while or who votes differently than you do.
Sanctions - suspension of !rule8 voting rights, and if repeated being banned.

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