
#americapolitics  Policy paper  #2  (observations, revisions)


Aug 2009    UPDATE Nov 2010 : I will expound and amplify in RED



Since my last and most successful policy paper was in this format...I'll use it again. Only 5 pages this time!  Please accept my humble submissions and ideas for #AP channel improvement and growth; as follows. Primary distribution is for 450 and above ops…Secondary distribution is at your discretion . Open distribution


1. A new term:  MEMBERS. 'Chatters' is a bit clunky and considering potential changes herein, 'members' better describes this channel's participants. Plus it's an inclusive term, inviting full access ...and inspiring loyalty. It will also fold into web deployment plans, below.


2.Paid ops/revenue streams.

 It is possible, It's been discussed and it's desirable.  We must look forward to a day when just BEING here is worth a nickel...and that those who RUN the system get some measure of compensation. These stale donuts just aren't cutting it

            Of course to have paid ops, revenue streams must be created. There are many methods to realize this goal, but I will only mention a few here.


3. channel development


            WEB page revision

            We can include everything in the current website format and add more:  I note that some elements of the current page are great, but just don’t get the attention they deserve…some of the numerous links for example are never seen. With an appropriate web design they will be prominent


New format, using thumbnail framesets, drop down menus, flash plugins, revenue vehicles and massive info streams (RSS, etc). <--- Currently deployed in


                        Let me post a few attractive templates: (included)

               select dabronze

                ßexcellent thread input form




o   Page deployed running polls,  i.e. (should MiaKulpa buy new shoes?)  <--- Currently deployed in

o   A Topic History Frame. Post the last topics in 30 days

o   A current Topic scrolling banner

o   MEMBERS LOGIN and accounting .i.e. hours logged, character count, bot usage, etc.  ß-Forget about ops updating user lists. If you log into the website you can vote rule8. All else follows

o   Suggestion box .. random ideas to improve your channel

o   News links/urls: FOX, Brietbart, Onion, drudge   etc.

o   RSS feeds         "       "        "            "

o   AD banners

o   Scrolls and creepers

o   WEB portability/deployment links  <--- Currently deployed in    :. NOW, with MIBBIT, you can chat around town from your weblinked phone ( I hereby absolve from any ‘addiction claims’)

o   A collection point for new idioms. taunts and terms invented on #AP

Here, ad hoc definitions for such ennui as ‘meh!’ and ‘crapulations’ and such can be collected, sifted and saved for all eternity ( !DEFINE DIE DEMS DIE text)  | (!recall DIE DEMS DIE)


o   A new ‘lugnut’trophy database. Members can accrue lugnut credits for use later


            Use lugnuts to fend off Rule8 votes as in:

            !rule8 Rollosaxx L2  whereas L2 = 2 lugnuts deducted from your account           and      1 NAY vote applied to save you from certain doom.

            In effect , a ‘self vote’ PLUS one


                                    OR Use lugnuts to amplify your vote:


                                    !Rule8 Rollosaxx L2 whereas L2 =2 lugnuts deducted from  your account                                               and one AYE  vote  extra in your quest to ban Rolllosaxx


                                    How do you add lugnuts to your account?

                                                RULE8 hammer votes add one lugnut

                                                OPS have authority to issue lugnuts for preferred  behaviors. 

                                                            20 per month? Bribes accepted.        

                                                Use your lugnuts to buy spiffy #AP loot at the #AP website store.

                                                             (1 coffee cup = 100 lugnuts?)          

                                                            What are your ideas?



o   sound and video compatibility… FLASH inserts. Youtube features, etc. <--- Currently deployed in


o   Direct integrated chat interface..(so when somebody wanders into  the page, they are given the chance to dive into chat…up go the numbers) <--- Currently deployed in with MIBBIT




o   Client #Channel scripts to call and edit quote databases.    

o   RADIO-link deployment       

                         Integration with a nationally syndicated Radio Broadcaster

                        standards: FCC, Ethics, Flow

                         package development (the pitch)

                        WEB page can act as a 'chat filter' for FCC standards scrubbing


    • A running dialogue corner. Such as when one flees and leaves you with a devastating last word typed and lost to him? Post it on the running dialogue and slam him later.

Or...give your statement in a more detailed and typo free flash addressed to any member and beginning a thread later on, one may draw from this thread without having to retype their own words.



                        write one

                        deploy it

                        Here we can gather up the DOI, assemble a constitution and other supporting documents      <--- Currently  PARTIALLY deployed in


Move OPS policy voting to web page arbiter -  any issues requiring ops to vote can be given a special corner so no op is both  a voter and vote collector <--- Currently  PARTIALLY deployed in



            Script enhancements. For example Ann coulter's remarks are hardly static. As she speaks, her quote database should be daily updated. Similar scripts can be deployed for others, such as Krauthammer, Dick Morris, etc. Unlimited possibilities and work for OPS at 200/300 level. This leads to happy ops.


In addition, scripts can macro trigger website operations with a simple mode setting


(Nick sets mode to +I ßwould trigger a data dump to the website that updates database files from all BOTS present)



            You WANT to hear your members say “Hey I posted something to your website”. This will enhance chat and inclusion  <--this has already begun


·       Network Instability FAILSAFE: In the event that Undernet becomes unstable or unusable..the CHANNEL can survive using the website as a lifeboat or conversion capsule which can adapt to any remaining alternative  networks chosen. News and a collection point would keeps users informed as any crises are addressed.


4. Rule8 is good, but it's ready to step to the next level

o   Enhanced counter

o   Mob inserted kick messages

o   Individual vote statistics  (!rule8  rollosax SUM (for SUMMARY) returns : "rollosaxx has voted 121 times in thirty days  .. 109 AYE and 12 nay.  Rollosaxx has issued the HAMMER vote 23 times with the last kick message being  ‘SEEYUH’      

Let us examine a new enhanced rule8 syntax:

“!rule8 Rollosaxx aye SEEYUH “


The “SEEYUH” is merely the last field of a command string. Some minimal code will easily plug that field into the Rule8 kick message, Thus the ‘HAMMER’ carries that much more pleasure and prestige.



o   An integrated kick sound. Wavs have been sadly missing. A few token or even randomized automated wavs can add to the fun for those "in the know".   NOW, these WAVS  should be deposited on the web page for Open source tinkering. One 300 level op can be assigned as a librarian



Let us examine R8 evolution

            In the beginning when it was still called 'Disruption challenge" (DC) the intent was to eject disruptors for the channel good. It was operated manually by existing ops as best they could, with no real consistency took 2 years to train the mob to expect it’s availability and infallibility. With channel growth and member awareness of their power, it came to express the Mob's fickle tendency to ban those with unpopular opinions and overwhelmed the ops.

                        As a result it became clear that some method of automation was inevitable. And so Giggle blessed us with a dedicated coder to realize this and it seems to work well.

                        The one variable   that threatens it's viability is the capricious nature of the MOB. We have seen that endless appeals to use R8 responsibly have failed and hence the management has inured to the reality that the mob's motivations have not been contained. The mob will act as it pleases

                        Numerous adjustments have been deployed and tested, with mixed results. To be fair rather than imposing,  the MOB has been polled as to what adjustments are correct. These channel polls are at best subjective and at worst misleading as a true snapshot of the member pool is unavailable in any given 24 hour period. Thus these adjustments were made regardless of any true polling but a small collection of the most vocal members. Subjection of such ideas to a WEB page polling device is an obvious solution   <--- Currently deployed in


                        Given the mob's propensity   to ban for frivolous reasons and #AP foundation as a CONSERVATIVE channel, the new tendency of leftist elements   to game the system and drive away conservative voices is disconcerting and rises to the need for some solution to prevent their domination of the debate through planned, nefarious and underhanded means. I don't propose to know what the solution is, but something must be done before rule8 becomes a sham   ßthis seems to be addressed


As with other scripts, Rule8 should be redundant, available to at least 3  ops  <---Accomplished


            NOW, these sacred scripts should be deposited on the web page for Open source tinkering. One 300 level op can be assigned as a librarian


      OPS Subverting the rule8 voting system.


I shall now quote:



Casual observation reveals that this stricture is being ignored, abused and gamed by the ops cadre, to the extent that the mob is beginning to notice and complain. But to whom? When the cops own the butcher shop, who gets the best cuts? This threatens to undermine the integrity of rule8 and this channel’s foundation principles. I appeal to all channel ops to live up to the spirit, as well as the letter of this rule or amend the rule to coherently reflect channel policy.


One such possible amendment is as follows:


Give ops a special status and final authority over final rule8 votes. That is, say the mob accrues their 5 votes. But no BAN occurs until the presiding OP gives his Enabling Vote.


So in effect, Rule8 becomes ‘5 votes plus one’


I would say that in presence of multiple ops..the senior op would have first ENABLE vote option

Or maybe, just the first op to act…


This would tend to limit ops vote cheating. imo.


We could compare this to representative or delegate voting..The assumption being that the delegate will normally join with the mob..but is expected to apply his own judgment to policy imperatives when the vote goes sideways. This would be the ‘failsafe’ option so that no massive vote manipulation can occur.


We can see this enhances an ops’ prestige and makes him a key player,  so perhaps he won’t be tempted to ban so easily.


This requires of course that a presiding op MUST be present for rule8 to’s own set of problems.  What happens when no OP is present? A hanging vote.


But wait… perhaps the OP doesn’t agree  but wants to vote in private. We can configure an X command so the OP can enable or disable SECRETLY






5. OPS deployment.

            OPS  is top heavy. In my perfect world #AP OPS would be a strict hierarchy with 2 executive level ops 499 and 500. Three 450 administrative ops, supervising and training soldiers. The 350 level position is a confusing factor and should be reserved for STAFF or special status ops. Next, multiple soldiers, at 300 level who further enhance training and supervise 200 level candidates and bot development.    ßwe seem to be there, more or less. But we don’t demand enough of lower level ops.


            Delegation of tasks to lowest level ops possible (scripts, bots and coordination)


           Recruitment, training and matriculation

               Until now, ops recruitment and matriculation has been a hit and miss proposal. Generally we humans choose from who we like. Hence it tends toward a popularity contest. While better than nothing, a more linear approach is possible. At first, ops were selected FOUNDERS who each got a chance. Various attrition events moved and retired some and others just faded away.   Now, the selection process has defaulted to a round robin of name dropping with no tenable conclusion.


                 A few ideas on future OPS selection:


6. OPS recruitment.


                        A better selection process begs attention. Let ops compete for matriculation via a series of tests and tasks that expose and define their availability to serve, their X skills, their enforcement of channel policy and their general assimilation to this new role. Upon completion of a defined regimen they may advance to 200 or 300 status with commensurate authority and privileges. In the end this assuages wounded feelings after rejection since the standards are clear and impartial. Hence they always have an easy excuse and would save face: .”I just didn’t have time for all the work”






merit standards:

      • Founder status
      • DESIRE/Commitment : First, op candidates must express a DESIRE to matriculate to OPS. Of roughly 90 members, the pool is relatively small...let all such names be collected in a hat and kept on the new WEB portal for inclusion and testing. From this pool, future OPS selection will be streamlined. But once selected, COMMITMENT comes into play. Opping here is work and service to the mob and everybody that gets the bennies should be willing to pitch in. Otherwise, have fun chatting and.ban people at mob level.


      • Devotion to the cause  and temperament   :: admittedly nebulous, but it counts
      • Sufficient X management skills
      • Sufficient bot skills
      • Participation stats                  
      • Each level can be defined with benchmarks
      • Special skills ((web/script development. Lead coordination, etc)
      • TEAM proficiency
      •  (What are your ideas?)

If these standards can be defined, we have a chance to streamline the process.           ^--- Currently  PARTIALLY deployed in


While we strive to  promote only those with a conservative world view, it is recognized that this term is vague and  prone to personal bias and that litmus tests can be misleading and further that we owe all a chance to test their strengths and weaknesses to fit the whole.


 Also it occurs to me that some method of amnesty can be devised to consider candidates with skills and desire , but whose close association  to #P taints them forever. Those latecomers who now have moved over aren't second class...but merely new acolytes whose loyalty can be firmed up with an open attitude of inclusion


             The benefits here are twofold: First, it recruits the best possible pool of candidates. Second, it's a great feather in your cap and pronouncement of victory when those names are finally matriculated into the NEW WAY


 Delegated bots

                                    This dovetails with op candidate training. This channel deploys some 7 bots or more. All of these bots can be deployed at 300 level ops or lower. This enhances redundancy of Bot functions and gives ops a purpose. Hence there will be less twitching to ban somebody just to keep busy.

                        In addition, it gives all a potential chance to matriculate to 200 op status



So far, this has been completely ignored. The recent matriculation of Mechanico is stark evidence of this. Despite my objections on these very grounds, it was somehow snuck in while nobody was looking...Now he spends his time explaining that he IS opped, while cserve is playing syko games. Are we confused enough yet?


I'd like to see it on the Webpage as BONAFIDE channel news..TOP margin..AFTER he pulls his weight


Let us apply these proposed standards to the case of the simplest possible terms:


merit standards:

§  Founder status:  No

§  DESIRE/Commitment : Yes

§  Devotion to the cause  and temperament   :Yes

§  Sufficient X management skills: Yes

§  Sufficient bot skills :Unknown

§  Participation stats :Yes               

§  Special skills  :Unknown

§  TEAM proficiency :Unknown


Using these standards I would be disposed to defer matriculation until these items were addressed..

But that's just me. I could be way wrong.. but at least I can tell you why


             A new criterion arises now: Efficacy and performance with the new web page. Every op 200 or above should have responsibility to edit or manage at least ONE element of the web site, including script/web translation.


            If they can’t or won’t manage this, get rid of ‘em.  A distributed password list would allow access at the 200 level. Using this model, we again create REDUNDANCY, so that the absence or malicious intent of ANY single member can’t cripple the system. OPS will be responsive and effective, reflecting the will of the people through channel policy around the clock. You will then sustain a NIGHT CREW to carry you into the morning.


            As a result of this, a new cadre of Webpage editors get their names in the credits bar at the bottom of the page… A new resume` bullet?




7.Deployment of wavs. The  wavs distribution has been a bust. By incorporating wavs into kick routines and such, new interest can be induced.






             Status, Sampling, Synergy

             Efnet #politics for example. This channel regularly gathers 150 members and  effortlessly,  it seems...#AP can match and exceed that. Of course, this will require an enhanced OPS cadre ready to be deployed as the need arises . Training for these new ops should be performed in advance, so that any population demands will be met seamlessly. The best training method here is EXAMPLE. If candidates can see a clear adherance to policy they can learn by doing.         


Any proposal to a broadcast entity to provide CHAT support should provide sufficient scale to impress prospects. It then follows that 150+ Current members with a waiting line is a good selling point.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

             The end of #politics as we know it. Since inception, #AP has been in opposition to #politics. And so it remains.. NOW #AP and #politics have parity. Let us move to the next level. In time we can draw away members to #AP EXCLUSIVELY.

            One method may be incentives. Let points be accrued for those who stay away                             from #P .What are your ideas?


In one year this has failed or flagged. We maintain parity at best. We're losing as many as we gain and static at 2009 levels. FAIL


            How can we increase population?


              With inclusion of other similar channels on other networks, via eggdrop, for example, we can potentially grow lines of new names.and turn their words into revenue.

              Eggdrops, strategic alliances, articles of common interest.can be leveraged into a new level of inclusion... ..allowing other channels in other networks to share our chat experience, etc (What are your ideas?).


Various agents have been dispatched at times..which serve to harass and exploit sour grapes in other channels., thus leading names into channel. This program should not stop.

#AP page url  Web links dropped at strategic points on the WEB via can slingshot people  directly into chat while producing hits on your counter. Hits also lead to cash since your ad banners only need to be present to yield a small increment.


9. QUOTE bot enhancement: The quote bot is handy but limited. A built in search function can allow members to fetch just the channel generated quote they desire


10: All OPS 200 or above should swap Email addys for circulation lists. Further, a frameset on the WEB page should make them available.







Since the first publication of this paper, it’s effect has been fairly significant in some areas..and I thank you for the attention.


            However, much is still lacking…We can attribute this to instability, attrition and failure to delegate. Now that Rule8 is stable, and the culture matures, we can afford to increase the scope and response to members.


I’m hearing a recurring question. WHY bother? Agreed. This chat channel is so insignificant that it’s hardly worth the effort at all. So why have a website in the first place?  BUT if you take the trouble to PAY for a domain space…why would you not maximize your VALUE on that yearly investment?  It seems that if you plan to race in NASCAR, you don’t show up with a Model T.


Now a mockup has been created in  This is by no means

either the final design nor choice of domain  …but it serves to demonstrate what is POSSIBLE with a simple template with OPEN SOURCE editing for your OPS cadre. So far, ONE 300 level  OP with  no applicable coding skills has learned to  edit this document a 2 hour span. This CAN be done.


The only impediment at this point would seem to be commitment and organization. Both of which reside at the top most levels of the #AP ops hierarchy. Thus, until and when a commitment is made…it will remain static


Humbly submitted for your  amendment and approval.


Any comments can be forwarded to: or



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